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Recently MIU Sustainable Living professor Lonnie Gamble visited Hawaii in an effort to continue developing his vision for a Hawaiian MIU Sustainable Living college and eco-village. During his visit he gave a talk to community members of Kauai about the sustainability revolution and how it’s dramatically changing the way we see and interact with the world.

The first video (Part 1) features a heart-warming introduction to Lonnie’s talk, along with the group being led in song by Puna Kalama Dawson, an expert on ancient Hawaiian wisdom. Here is an excerpt from Puna’s talk in Part 1:

“I would like to acknowledge all of the Hawaiian’s that are sitting here in the audience, and by Hawaiians I mean the people who have the breathe and the water of this universal bliss… Hawaiians are the people who are the caregivers, caretakers of one another and most especially the resources that we have. I know many of you reference the people that come from these islands as the Hawaiians, but it really is all of us who care about the future, and who care about the children that will continue to come, and especially this island that we live and breathe with. That’s true Hawaiian.

I’m asked to do a blessing. The blessing is all of us that come together in the spirit of truth and in the thought of always looking to the future, taking the best of our past so that in the time that we have to prepare and care for it and nurture it, that we are able to pass it forward.”

Part 2 features Lonnie’s talk regarding the new college of sustainability in Hawaii and the sustainability revolution in general. Enjoy!

How the Sustainability Revolution Changes Everything – Part 1

How the Sustainability Revolution Changes Everything – Part 2