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Chandler Baucom is from the Charlotte, North Carolina area. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree from UNC in Wilmington in 2014 before coming to the David Lynch MA in film program here at MIU last Fall.

“I found an MIU testimonial online while browsing www.reddit.com and followed the links to MIU’s site. Next thing I sent one of my student films for admission to the David Lynch MA. Once I was accepted, everything in my life fell into place at the right time to come study here.


“The MA is a nurturing environment, filled with creativity and support. Even when I don’t think I need support, someone is there for me and helps out. But without my beard, I couldn’t do it, that’s where my strength comes from!





020“I’m in the process of shooting my master thesis film, A Dead Horse. It’s about a stand-up comedian who admits to a terrible crime on stage. It’s my friend Matt Herzog’s original screenplay.

“A Dead Horse is a blend of comedy and tragedy, I want people to feel uncomfortable. My ultimate objective as a filmmaker is for people to feel something. I find it extraordinary when a film feels real to people, considering the fact that it’s staged and manufactured.”

008What’s next for you, Chandler? “I’m going to explore possibilities in NYC. Some trustworthy opinions recently convinced me that it could be the ideal place for me.

“But no matter where I am being a film director is my goal. I mean, I have the beard, hair and feng shui for it, so I know I’m a good candidate!”

All photos by Weber Photo: www.codyweberphotography.com